Design Night
Event image

Would you like to unwind and relax on a Thursday evening? Join us for Design Night and have fun making! There are no restrictions—you are welcome to use paint, construction paper, colored pencils, fabric, buttons, stickers, digital software, or whatever your heart desires. Towards the end, we will have the audience’s choice of activity. Designs/creations will be featured on our website and social media!

All are welcome, even if this is your first time attending an AIGA event.

Event Agenda

6:00-6:10 pm Warm Welcome

6:10-6:20 pm Make-a-Friend Breakout Rooms

6:20-6:45 pm Design Theme #1

6:45-7:00 pm Design Reveal

7:00 pm-7:15 pm Design Theme #2

7:15-7:25 pm Design Reveal

7:25-8:00 pm Audience’s Activity Choice


Date April 15

Time 6-8 pm


Meeting ID: 964 2789 6427

One tap mobile

+16468769923,,96427896427# US (New York)

+13017158592,,96427896427# US (Washington DC)



When & Where
Thu, Apr 15, 2021 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT