Looking for a collaborative space to explore your creative ideas and do some sketching, doodling, chatting, or writing? If it happens to be a cold beer that gets some ideas flowing, you are especially in luck!
Join us for another Drink & Doodle event at Brick and Barrel Brewing (in the flats right by Merwin's Wharf). All doodlers, side hustlers, freelancers, and creatives are welcome. Grab a brew and use this time to make progress on your work or simply relax with some quality sketchbook time. Bring a friend, or make some new ones! We will be there to facilitate a collaborative environment and help increase bonds among the wonderful creatives here in our beloved CLE!!!
Find us at the table reserved for AIGA or just ask the friendly staff where to find us!
Brick and Barrel
1844 Columbus Rd.
Cleveland, OH 44113
Thurday, February 21, 2019
(Bring a few $$ for your beverage and any sketching materials you may need