We've learned from you, we've shared this knowledge, and now we'll be working on building our Cleveland design community. Join us for a community meeting featuring a new format—based on your feedback—designed to foster relationships, keep you informed on what’s happening in Cleveland in the world of design, and keep the conversations going!
Meet & Great (6:15 - 6:45)
Introduction to AIGA & Community Meetings + Discussion Prompt (6:45 - 7:00)
Community Discussion (7:00 - 8:00)
Community Announcements (8:00 - 8:15)
Community Feedback (8:15 - 8:30)
Our August discussion led by Josh Cook is:
Tackling Taste: Cultivating, curating and becoming aware of what inspires you most.
As designers, we all have seen work that inspires us; work that we would deem to be “good” or that we use as our north star. Each of us is likely attracted or attached to a certain style or movement in design. Some of us (our discussion leader included) are even guilty of rejecting design that falls outside of our ever evolving set of tastes. Through discussion, we will get to the bottom of what taste is, how it defines our work, and how each of us catalogs our own unique version of it. Attendees are encouraged (but not required) to bring examples of work that helps define their taste in order to further this discussion.
Josh Cook is a graphic designer and art director specializing in branding, print and digital design along with campaign, photo and video direction. He works days as an art director and designer at Marcus Thomas and makes an attempt to operate a freelance design practice out of a spare bedroom on nights and weekends. When he is not working he can be found wrenching on his motorcycle at Skidmark Garage or digging through used record bins all over town (usually just My Mind’s Eye).
Our Community Meetings are interactive, free, and open to everyone.
New to the area? New to AIGA? Interested in becoming a member? Ready to get involved? The monthly community meetings are a great place to get started and you don't have to be a member to attend.
There’s no better way to see what’s going on in the Cleveland creative community, get involved, and participate in shaping the chapter’s growth. Mingling starts at 6:15. See you there!
While this event is free, please register so we can notify you of any changes to this event. Thank you!
Thursday, August 30, 2018
2nd Floor
The Cleveland Hostel/Passengers Cafe
2090 W 25th St, Cleveland, OH 44113
2018 Community Meeting Schedule
Community meetings are FREE and open to the public!
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Location: TBD
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Location: TBD
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Location: TBD